Saturday, July 20, 2019

This is an accomplished rabbit

I do not know who Duncan Hunter is and I do not want to discuss him.  But this excerpt from this article:

The emblem issue is perhaps not the biggest of problems for Mr. Hunter, who is facing 60 federal charges including campaign finance violations, falsifying records, wire fraud and conspiracy. Prosecutors say the congressman and his wife improperly spent more than $250,000 in campaign funds on lavish trips, shopping sprees, private school tuition and airfare for their pet rabbit.

Is a perfect example of why we need the Oxford comma. I will brook no argument on this. It's irrefutable.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm going to argue anyway ;). According to my grammar handbook, _My Grammar and I (or should that be me?)_, 'Most (British) pundits recommend it only to avoid ambiguity.' From which I would argue that in a sentence like the delightful one you quoted, the Oxford Comma isn't. It's just a comma. That is, people who don't use the Oxford comma would properly place one in that sentence without violating our principles :D
