Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Weather study ideas

As with other science studies, first hand observation is paramount.  The doing is very important here.

Start keeping a weather chart. Check the temperature, rain, sky, every day at the same time(s) and mark them on a chart.

Rain: Make a simple rain gauge (two or one litre plastic bottle, x-acto knife, etc). Read 'the Story of the Rain Gauge.' https://www.thoughtco.com/rain-gauge-history-1992371

 Wind: Make a weather vane: https://www.pbs.org/parents/crafts-and-experiments/where-is-the-wind-going-try-a-diy-weather-vane You need some stuff like a wad of clay, a pin, a pencil with fresh eraser, some cardboard and coloured paper, a straw, a compass (your phone should have one) Super cool, more complex- make an anemometer- measure wind speed: https://www.education.com/science-fair/article/make-anemometer/ Just like somebody from Canada is a Canadian and somebody from Korea is Korean, winds are named based on where they are from. An easterly wind comes from the east, and the north wind blows from the north.

 Air Pressure: do this experiment: http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys/expansion.html
Make the balloon diver (you need a balloon, some paperclips, a foil packet like ketchup comes in at fast food restaurants, or maybe one that held single serve salad dressing or pop rocks, and a clear plastic bottle); http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys/Balloondiver.html
Air has weight demonstrations: one uses straws, balloons, and maybe some tape or string. One uses a bike pump, an old bike valve you can take off an old bike tire, and a plastic bottle with its cap. http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys/Airhasweight.html

 Read about the invention of the Barometer here (page 42): https://books.google.com/books?id=vGMJAAAAIAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=invention%20barometer&pg=PA40#v=onepage&q=invention%20barometer&f=false

 A whole page of pumps to make from things you might have at home: http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/pumps-from-dump.php

the story of the barometer: page 782 https://books.google.com/books?id=tf8zAQAAMAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=Torricelli%20barometer&pg=PA782#v=onepage&q=Torricelli%20barometer&f=false

Keep a weather record for at least two weeks putting down your observations under the heads given above.
Make your own readings twice a day if possible first in the forenoon and again in the afternoon The book

Weather Riddles is free online here: http://arvindguptatoys.com/arvindgupta/weather-vp.pdf It has 8 chapters, probably best for about grade 6 up, but you know your children best. You could read 2 chapters in week one, and spend week two doing experiments and first hand weather observations, then one chapter the next week, while taking the daily weather observation, then a week of time spent on experiments, demonstrations, activities and daily charts, then a chaper, and so on, with two chapters the final week.  IOW, 2 chapters the first and final week, then one chapter every other week between.

  Consider reading The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind this term, the one for young readers.

If you appreciate what you read here,  I have some other goodies you'll enjoy.  Take a look below!

$5.00- Education for All, vol 2- the Imagination (and more) issue!- transcript of the imagination talk from the AO Camp meeting, with additional material I had to cut to save time.  

 $5.00- Education for All, a new CM journal,   Feed Your Mind!  This issue contains several articles on handicrafts, outdoor play, nature study and science. See sidebar for purchasing options if you are in the Philippines.

 $3.00 Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Copywork (grades 2/3, carefully selected with an eye toward finely crafted sentences, lovely bits of writing pleasant to picture in the mind's eye, and practice in copying some of the mechanics of grammar and punctuation typically covered in these years.

  $3.00 Aesop's Fables Copywork for Year One!  Carefully selected with an eye toward well written sentences, memorable scenes, and some practice copying sentences that model the basics of capitalization and punctuation.   Suitable for use with children who have already mastered the strokes and letters for basic penmanship.
Picture Study!  Miguel Cabrera's beautiful, diverse families, painted in 18th century Mexico this package includes 9 downloadable prints along with directions for picture study and background information on the artist and his work. $5.00

Common Kitchen:  What's for lunch?  Isn't that a common problem in homeschooling families?  What to fix, what is quick, what is frugal, what is nourishing?  How can I accomplish all those things at once?  We homeschooled 7 children, and I was a homeschooling mom for 29 years on a single income.  I collected these recipes and snack ideas from all over the world.  These are real foods I used to feed my family, my godsons, and sometimes my grandkids.  Includes some cooking tips and suggestions for sides, and for a variety of substitutions.  I think every family will find something they can use here. $5.00

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